Flight radar 24 cockpit view
Flight radar 24 cockpit view

flight radar 24 cockpit view

If all doors are closed green cockpit seal light will be lit, otherwise yellow cockpit open light. Lights for parking brake and cockpit seal. If both this and secondary hydraulic pressure fails then flight controls will lock-up. If this is too low then it will be impossible to raise or lower gear. Green light if gear is operational, red if it has failed. Gear/Hydraulics panel contain the following gauges: Only the outer scale is used (the others are for individual internal tanks and external tanks which are not modelled in EECH). From 50 km/h to the left to 50 km/h to the right. This gauge shows how much sidewind the helicopter is experiencing, and hence how much it is blown sideways.

flight radar 24 cockpit view

Upper needles show hundreds of degrees Celsius, the lower does one revolution per 100 degrees. Lowest red shows limit for normal flight, the middle for take-off/landing and the upper for emergencies. Yellow needles shows how much power the engines are producing. Needle marked 1 is for left engine, and 2 for right engine. The window below this gauge shows the name of the currently selected waypoint The needles points to selected waypoint (narrow needle), and heading between previous waypoint and next (wide needle).

flight radar 24 cockpit view

The compass rose rotates, and shows helicopters current direction at the top. In picure altitude is approximately 1980 m above sea level Long needle shows hundreds of meters, short shows thousands. Shows the pitch of the rotor blades in degrees Your helicopter's position is indicated by the cross in the centre of the map. From -30 to +30 m/s on a non-linear scale. Sideways and rearwards speed up to 25 km/h, forward speed up to 50 km/h Shows velocity in three axis (vertical on the left, horizontal on the right). The Mi-24 should be flown only at positive G, and no more than + 1.8 G. The main instrument panel of the Mi-24V contains the following instruments:

Flight radar 24 cockpit view